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Instructor T-Shirt & Key Chain Order (2019)
Nov 14, 2020, 8:48 PM – 8:53 PM
Submit Order Electronically
T-shirts and keychains are available! Â You can purchase t-shirts (the design and color in the photo) for $17 (this includes the cost of the shirt and postage); you can purchase key-chains (photo attached to email) at cost for $2.50. Â You may give them away or sell them during class. Â If you elect to sell, t-shirts are sold for $20/each and keychains are sold for $5.00. Â You may keep the proceeds from the sale. Â Please note that you are responsible for complying with any federal, state, or local laws or regulations, including relating to income or sales tax. Â
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Large T-shirts
$17.00Sale endedMedium T-shirts
$17.00Sale endedSmall T-shirts
$17.00Sale endedExtra Large T-shirts
$17.00Sale endedKey Chain
These key chains are the ones you received at Instructor Training.
$2.50Sale ended
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